haaaa...dh lame x menulis..memang malas nak menulis..tp dh dah xde keje sgt ni..hadoiilaa!this year CNY i xda plan ke mana2 pun..bcoz my other half bekerja..yes, work!work!work!so,bo..ring sgt!owh ya, sunday pg rumah yani.Yani get engaged,after 4 years berchinta!yayy!yeah..happy for her!then go to Sepang Goldcoast a.k.a Bagan Lalang on Tuesday celebrating Yani & Dindang's engagement!hehee..marah Din aku panggil die "Dindang".ahahahh!Its been a while since the last time i've been here..i love beach,so the nearest place to go is here lah.hehee!Lepak at Sunset Beach restaurant sambil menikmati angin laut yang sepoi2 bahase n watching the beautiful sunset..chewah!minum young coconut which 'not so young' tuu..sampaikn Din over excited & tumpahkan air kelapa tu..hahah!kenapa ada orang mandi yew?hmm..dahla air die kotor n have u ever heard bout the 'ladang babi' at sepang tu?eeeuuwww!!x sanggup akak! anyway,its a cool place to hang out!then we eat at Wak Lan seafood.Mkn ikan bakar..hehe!sotong goreng tepung die bestt!!yg lain2 so so lah!nasi lemak pon terbaik!haha!Have a gud time with my frens!love u guys!