Nama mcm gempak kan.ahaha!Celcom Blue Cube is a fully-owned subsidiary of Celcom (Malaysia) Berhad. Al kisah cerita nya..im looking for a notebook haritu. Then last week i noticed Celcom buat Sale besar-besaran and ade la promotion notebook HP and free modem.Its just RM888!!! Wahhh..hati dh berbunga2 ni!so, aku pgla Celcom kt Taman Tun. Ok..kene book 2 weeks later baru dapat. Fine. But ape yg aku x puas hati, staff ke agen aku xtaula..tak explain kt aku bout the laptop, sume yg die ckp mcm main tibai je, bukan aku xtau pasal laptop tu. Pastu aku tros blah x jadi nak book. Then pg Celcom Blu Cube kat Midvalley.Servis sucks gile!staff takda, customer ramai Q-up.Bile tanye dia ckp stok takda. Soalan aku yang lain dikata xtau. Then aku pg Celcom Bluecube The Curve, same jgk.Die ckp stok ade 2 je, bley?plizz la..promotion siap masuk radio bagai kan, kata the biggest sale tp 1 outlet ade 2 stock laptop je?Big sale ke tu?hahaaha!Then pegi la Bule Cube Pavilion.Ok..this outlet is huge!dlm hati kata...'mesti ade ni' but unfortunately same jugak,no stock!and the worse thin is they said if aku book skrg pon,i have to wait for another month or two.What??2 month??Sale ape mcm ni haaaa?cancellll!then aku nk beli accesories for my BB pon takda orang nk layan.Halooo!haish..frust gile la dgn customer servis Celcom Blucube ni, sucks man!
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