Wednesday is Movie day!!biasala..Wednesday movie murah..so i declared Wednesday hari utk nonton wyg.hahha!so smlm saje je g midvalley sbb dh lame x pg, asiklaa pg curve n OU je, maklumle..dkt dgn rumah.So i decided to watch "The Book Of Eli". Tak best pon movie ni, slow and menambah stress la pd aku.What is the f****** motif u had WAR and destroy the Bible and then u r fighting to have it again?anyway,i learned that we have to be grateful for wahatever we have in life!Then g Pet wonderland, hmm..dulu kedai ni besa..now dh jd kecik n x banyak pet.Since my osmet just adopt a cute kitten,im thinking of to get 1 too,tp ape ya..hamster..nope!kitten..nope!hah!got it!nak bela ikan la..sbb boleh tenangkan fikiran tgk air tu, sumore remind me how much i love diving.huh..lame x pg diving la..rindunyerr.After that,pg la kt Celcom Blucube kt LG floor,thinkin' of buying the HP mini-promotion tuu,but the service sucks!takde staff pon entertain customer and we have to Q-up, stok xda and they dont even give the right information about the promotion!haish...susah la,org nk beli pon xtak layan.last2 pg carls Jr makan lg bestt,lurve the fries!!
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