Bulan May mmg aku bz giler.2 of my besties get married 2 minggu berturut-turut & sibuk balik kampung.At last dapat jugak aku pg holiday ke Pulau Redang.fuhhh~this island is amaaazing okay!release tention aku...Dah lame aku x bercuti at island, since tioman i think!aku stay kat Redang Holiday at long beach. Luckily we choose long beach, bcoz we can walk along the 'long beach' sambil menikmati angin laut, beautiful white sandy beach, crystal clear water,magnificient blue sea, nampak ikan2 berenang2,sumpah best!if stay dekat mutiara resort or berjaya, its a private beach..so just ade 1 resort je, untuk sesiapa yang need privacy okayla..cm my besties tu, honeymoon at berjaya.superb!hehe~but for me aku suke tempat yang happening sket..erk!hehe!
1st Day
This time me & my frens amik package snorkeling.So, sampai2 je lunch, mandi laut & pg snorkeling.Mengah jugak dah lame x snorkeling or swimming.haha!balik je trus minum petang and rest sekejap n dinner pulak. After dinner we stroll along the beach and lepak at Redang Bay pub(pub ke?tp xda org,haha!)saje je lepak2 dgr music..hmm!after all takde org pun except ktrg 4 org.We have fun though!hehe
2nd day
wake upp!!!today ade 2 trip snorkeling, this morning to Redang Marine Park and petang to another island.Redang Marine park ni mmg best and cunn..boleh tgk penyu bcoz they kept like tempat penetasan penyu kat sini. So u can see and touch the baby penyu.After marine park, balik to htl and lunch. Then we shoot to another pulau, aku pun xtau pulau ape tp mmg cunn banget!this time dpt tgk banyak coral.If u r lucky, u can touch it.fuhh! 1 hari snorkeling, mmg sunburn aku,mmg hitam okay.hahah~balik snorkeling we all mandi laut,tgk baby shark, build sand castle and see the sunset.hmmm..nice~hati gumbiraaa..hahahaaa~After dinner lepak at redang bay, harini dapat kawan baru, a couple from KB.so ktrg enjoy sesame laa.Then luckily,si Bob(beach boy) nak bwk ktrg tgk blue sand.Aku ade bace dlm internet bout blue sand ni, & i've been wondering what it's look like.Location of blue sand ni dkt dgn reef resort, in front of laguna.ok..the sand is really blue!but u have to find "it" in the sand,biru berkelip2..dem!its amazing!actually, the blue light came from a plankton that live in the sand, so when u touch the sand they will turn to blue light.cantek sgt!!!
3rd day
Last day..feeling sad,macam tak puas lg stay kt redang island ni.hmm..after breakfast terus naik ferry and shoot balik kl.My trip this time mmg best giler!maybe sebab dah lame tak pg holiday to an island.cant wait for Krabi this October!Krabi here we come!!heheee!
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