Gelatomio Lounge, Level 4, Pavilion(dekat depan cotton on outlet)
Gelatomio?mcm penah dengar..tp kat mana ya?haha..hmm...patutla, dulu Gelatomio ni ade kt Ikano, skrg dh tutup kot..Haritu aku lepak2 Pavilion, membe aku yg sorang ni dok ckp la ade port baru leh tengok n gelak2 kan org, hahaha~best jugak Gelatomio kat Pavilion ni, very the cosy la lepak sini..tengok org lalu lalang,tgk gaya org..haha~
Ice cream Gelatomio ni mmg best...kurang manis and katanya use 100% natural ingredients, no animal fat, no colorant and preservatives. Elokla tu kan untuk jaga badan.Ada more than 50 flavors!!so kalau lepak hari2 pun xpe..blh try different2 flavors everyday.Wasabi flavors pun ada taw..euww~ade jugak yg ade alcohol, so be careful la ye while choosing ur ice cream tu..
Hah! ni die some of the ice cream flavors, chill:)
1. A.C.E. (Orange, Carrot & Lemon)
2. Apricot
3. Banana
4. Kalamansi (Lemon taste)
5. Kiwi
6. Lemon
7. Mango
8. Melon
9. Orange
10. Passion Fruit
11. Pineapple
12. Strawberry
13. Tomato
14. Wild Berries
15. Watermelon
1. After Six (Mint & Chocolate chips)
2. Bacio – Chocolate with Hazelnut
3. Black Pepper
4. Black Sesame
5. Blueberry Stripes
6. Coffee
7. Coffee with Chocolate Chips
8. Chocolate
9. Chocolate Chili
10. Chocolate Marshmallow
11. Chocolate Stripes
12. Cointreau Crème a l’orange (alcohol)
13. Croccantino al Rum - Crunch & Rum (alcohol)
14. Date (Hari Raya Special)
15. Espresso
16. Hazelnut
17. Fior di Latte
18. Green Tea
19. Liquorice
20. Malaga (Rum and Raisins) (alcohol and eggs)
21. Mint
22. Mocha
23. Nutella
24. Oreo and Cream
25. Pistacchio
26. Stracciatella
27. Strawberry Stripes
28. Tiramisu (alcohol and eggs)
29. Vanilla
30. Yogurt
31. Yogurt Banana
32. Yogurt Mango
33. Yogurt Pineapple
34. Yogurt Strawberry
35. Wasabi
36. Zabaione (alcohol and eggs)
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