It's been 4 months since the last blog post..macam la ade org kesah kan!hahaa!
I've been busy with test, exams and wedding preps..memang pening kepala!Tapi alhamdulillah..dah selamat pun aku kawen 4 bulan..Auwww!
Planning a wedding ain't easy but i love the feeling of excitement, the chaos of preparations, seeing the love to the next level, sharing the joy with the love ones and the details involved. But what really matters is la familia. Everything is about family.Our family is the circle of love and strength.What makes them happy will make me happy.
Dah lama tapi nak upload jugak some of my weeding photos 
During nikah on 11.11.11..suweeet x?hehe!
Pic jauh2 dah la kan..
ade la jugak yang tanye kat Batu Pahat ade ke pantai??
jawapannye:ade lah!Dah nampak gambo aku kt tepi laut lagi mau tanye.Tapi bukan la pantai yg indah untuk bermandi manda ala2 Mauritius yek..sekadar cantik untuk berposing aje..
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